In January, 2006 - Debra Davis visited New York, with playwright Barb Wolfe and her partner Connie Hope. Barb's show was playing off - off - Broadway at the WOMANseeking theater. With debra are (front row, left to right) Christine Mosere, Founder and Director of WOMANseeking theater, Barb and Connie and (Back row) Debra with her close friend, Janice Shapiro, recently with the New York Foundation for the Arts.
January, 2006
With Debra is Anne Phibbs, new Director of LGBT Programs in the Minnesota State College System. They are pictured after they presented an Faculty Ally Training at North Hennepin Community College, in MN.
January, 2006
Debra Davis with Kit Briem, Outgoing Executive Director, Philanthrofund Foundation, at her "farewell" reception.
January, 2006
Debra Davis at dinner with members and friends of
Simpson College, LGBTQ Alliance
Indianola - IA
January, 2006
Debra Davis presenting a Keynote, Forum Event for
Simpson College, sponsored by the LGBTQ Alliance
Indianola - IA
January, 2006
Debra Davis with members and friends of
Simpson College, LGBTQ Alliance
Indianola - IA
January, 2006
Debra Davis presenting a Feature Presentation for
Millikin University, sponsored by Queers & Allies (GLAAM)
Decatur - IL
Early February, 2006
Debra Davis with members and friends of
Queers & Allies (GLAAM), Millikin University
Decatur - IL
Early February, 2006
Debra Davis booth and presentation at the Multicultural Forum. St Paul MN
February, 2006
Debra Davis with Javier Gutierrez, friend and Associate Director of Housing/Apartment Manager, Hamilne University. Debra had just presented a Safe Space training for the faculty and staff. St. Paul MN,
February, 2006
Debra Davis presenting an all school Feature Presentation for "Blue Jeans Day" at
Shippensburg University, sponsored by SALE - The Women's Center & the Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual & Transgender Concerns Committee
Shippensburg - PA
February, 2006
Debra Davis presenting an all school Feature Presentation for "Blue Jeans Day" at
Shippensburg University, sponsored by SALE - The Women's Center & the Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual & Transgender Concerns Committee
Shippensburg - PA
February, 2006
TR align=center>
Debra Davis with members and friends of
Shippensburg University SALE & the Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual & Transgender Concerns Committee
Shippensburg - PA
February, 2006
Debra Davis presenting an all school Feature Presentation for "Transgender Week" at
New College of Florida, sponsored by Student Activities and New College Pride
Sarasota - FL
February, 2006
Debra Davis with members and friends of
New College of Florida's, New College Pride
Sarasota - FL
February, 2006
- Back Rubs - Debra Davis with members and friends of
New College of Florida's, New College Pride
Sarasota - FL
February, 2006
Debra Davis at the University of Minnesota, meeting with the "First Year Student -
Orientation Leaders" for the incoming students in the fall of 2006.
Debra has been working with this group for the last 8 years.
Minneapolis, MN
Early March, 2006
Debra Davis was the Featured Speaker at the University of Northern
Iowa's first ever "Pride Week."
Cedar Falls - IA
Early March, 2006
Debra Davis at the University of Northern
Iowa's first ever "Pride Week" with members and friends of UNI's GLBTAU
Cedar Falls - IA
Early March, 2006