Debra and her grandchildren at her home, Christmas - 2005
Debra Davis in Maui.
December, 2005
In January, 2006 - Debra Davis visited New York, with playwright Barb Wolfe and her partner Connie Hope. Barb's show was playing off - off - Broadway at the WOMANseeking theater. With debra are (front row, left to right) Christine Mosere, Founder and Director of WOMANseeking theater, Barb and Connie and (Back row) Debra with her close friend, Janice Shapiro, recently with the New York Foundation for the Arts.
January, 2006
Road to Debra's home in Maple Grove right after a snow storm.
Winter, 2006
Sunrise from the plane window on the way home from Maui.
December, 2005
Another sunset from Debra's home in Maple Grove, MN Summer 2006
Another sunset from Debra's home in Maple Grove, MN Summer 2006
Another sunset from Debra's home in Maple Grove, MN Summer 2006
Another sunset from Debra's home in Maple Grove, MN Summer 2006
Another sunset from Debra's home in Maple Grove, MN Summer 2006