Debra Davis - College Travel Photos
Early Fall, 2005

BiCities, University of Wisconsin - Oshkosh, Human Rights Campaign 2005 Dinner, University of Wisconsin - Madison, Booth at Ed. Minnesota State Teachers Conference, Ally training at Metro state University in MN.


Debra Davis at BiCities television program interview.
Minneapolis, Minnesota
July, 2005

In September, 2005 - Debra Davis visited University of Wisconsin - Oshkosh, and gave a presentation for their Women's Center
Oshkosh, WI
September, 2005

Debra Davis at dinner with members and friends of the University of Wisconsin - Oshkosh, Women's Center
Oshkosh, WI
September, 2005

Debra Davis with friends at the Human Rights Campaign 2005 Dinner,
Minneapolis, Minnesota
September, 2005

Debra Davis visited the University of Wisconsin, Madison and Keynoted their ComingOUT week celebration.
Madison, Wisconsin
October, 2005

Debra Davis visited the University of Wisconsin, Madison and Keynoted their ComingOUT week celebration. Here is one of the ways they promoted her appearance and their events of the week. If you look close, from the top down it says "Happy Coming out week" "Debra Davis"(under the rainbow) "Transgender Activist" "Tue. 7:30"
Madison, Wisconsin
October, 2005

Debra Davis presenting the Keynote Address the University of Wisconsin, Madison, ComingOUT week celebration.
(Article from The Daily Cardinal Newsletter)
Madison, Wisconsin
October, 2005

Debra Davis presenting the Keynote Address the University of Wisconsin, Madison, ComingOUT week celebration.
(Article from The Badger Herald Newsletter -
"UW's other daily student newpaper")

Madison, Wisconsin
October, 2005

Debra Davis with students and participants after presenting the Keynote Address the University of Wisconsin, Madison, ComingOUT week celebration.
Madison, Wisconsin
October, 2005

Debra Davis and with members of the "MN Schools OUTreach coalition" at our booth with friend and ally "Ronald" at the Education Minnesota 2005 State Teachers Conference
St. Paul, MN.
October, 2005

Debra Davis with the LGBT panel presenting at Metro State's "Ally Training." Debra has been helping out with this training for the last 8 years.
Minneapolis, Minnesota
October, 2005


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